Exploring Sapa – Lady Hill Sapa Resort https://ladyhillsaparesort.com - Khu nghỉ dưỡng 5 sao cao cấp Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:10:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 4 tourist destinations in Sapa https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/4-tourist-destinations-in-sapa/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/4-tourist-destinations-in-sapa/#respond Mon, 07 Aug 2023 09:10:12 +0000 https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/?p=2347 You should definitely not miss traveling to Sapa – a beautiful town hidden in the mountains. So let’s take a look at 4 tourist destinations that should not be missed when traveling to Sapa. 1. Muong Hoa valley Muong Hoa valley in Hau Thao commune, Sapa is more than 10km from the town center with […]

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You should definitely not miss traveling to Sapa – a beautiful town hidden in the mountains. So let’s take a look at 4 tourist destinations that should not be missed when traveling to Sapa.

1. Muong Hoa valley

Muong Hoa valley in Hau Thao commune, Sapa is more than 10km from the town center with golden terraces overlapping each other. To fully enjoy this special moment, you can travel to Sapa from September to November.


On the contrary, in March to May you will be able to see the green rice fields in the whole valley. Downstream of Silver Waterfall flows into a quiet stream, weaving between upland fields and beautiful wildflower fields.

2. Ta Van village

Going down Silver waterfall through Muong Hoa, we will reach Ta Van. Ta Van clearly shows the mystery of the Northwest mountains and forests, the wild beauty of the Giay and Red Dao ethnic groups, etc. You can watch terraced fields, streams weaving in the mountains and follow the children. The baby goes to the field early in the morning.

Bản Tả Van Sapa có gì? Cảm nhận vẻ đẹp Tây Bắc tại ngôi làng nhỏ - MOTOGO

3. Sin Chai village

Sin Chai is also one of the tourist spots in Sapa to feel the peace of the Northwest. This is the burial place of umbilical cord vegetables of the Black H’mong ethnic group, an ethnic minority with special ethnic customs.

Coming to Sin Chai, you seem to be immersed in a picture surrounded by skyscrapers with beautiful rice fields. In the season, Sin Chai terraced fields are flooded with water in each parcel of land, the surface of the water is sparkling like silver connecting each other on each hill, giving you a moment to enjoy nature.


5. Silver waterfall

This is the upstream waterfall of clear water streams flowing down the middle of Muong Hoa fields. Silver Waterfall each season is beautiful with an altitude of 1800m above sea level, falling between two mountain slopes divided into many floors before forming a stream below. Surrounded by pristine forests is definitely a worthwhile Sapa tourist destination for your trip.

Thác Bạc - mỗi cung bậc là từng cảm xúc năm 2023

If you have not yet discovered the above points, immediately visit Lady Hill Sapa Resort to fully enjoy the Northwest scenery.

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Beautiful Cloud Hunting Spots in Sapa https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/beautiful-cloud-hunting-spots-in-sapa/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/beautiful-cloud-hunting-spots-in-sapa/#respond Tue, 11 Jul 2023 05:19:18 +0000 https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/?p=2240 When it comes to the northern cloud hunting paradise, Y Ty (Lao Cai) is the most well-known, with its peaks and roads shrouded in clouds all year. Visitors to Y Ty in the final months of the year have an easier time finding the sea of clouds than ever before. The road from A Lu […]

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When it comes to the northern cloud hunting paradise, Y Ty (Lao Cai) is the most well-known, with its peaks and roads shrouded in clouds all year.

Visitors to Y Ty in the final months of the year have an easier time finding the sea of clouds than ever before. The road from A Lu to Ngai Thau, Y Ty “park” in Choan Then village, climbing Ky Quan San, Lao Than… are the most beautiful and overcast places.

Bach Moc Luong Tu (or Ky Quan San) is a mountain peak located at an altitude of 3,046 m, the second highest in Lao Cai, after Fansipan. Once a deserted mountain peak, a breeding and farming place for the Mong people, in recent years, Bach Moc Luong Tu has become an attractive destination for those who love to climb mountains and watch the sea of ​​clouds.

An easier spot to see clouds in Lao Cai is Sa Pa town, where every early morning and late afternoon, clouds and dew are all around the surrounding mountain peaks, mixed with early chilly weather. If you come to Sapa, the experience of climbing in the day or taking the cable car to the top of Fansipan is definitely not to be missed. At the end of the year, sitting on the cable car and stopping at each station on the way to the highest peak of Fansipan, visitors will be satisfied with the dense and white sea of clouds.

(Credit: https://vntravellive.com/nhung-diem-san-may-cuoi-nam-tuyet-dep-d32218.html)

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Sa Pa: Great Mix of Son Cuoc Region https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/sa-pa-ban-phoi-tuyet-voi-mien-son-cuoc/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/sa-pa-ban-phoi-tuyet-voi-mien-son-cuoc/#respond Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:48:49 +0000 https://lady.seven.sv/?p=1040 Sa Pa là một thị trấn nhỏ miền núi thuộc tỉnh Lào Cai nằm cách Hà Nội khoảng 350km về phía Tây Bắc, sát biên giới với Trung Quốc. Đây là nơi bạn sẽ tìm thấy dãy núi Hoàng Liên Sơn và cả đỉnh Fansipan cao nhất của đất nước. Thị trấn yên tĩnh nằm […]

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Sa Pa là một thị trấn nhỏ miền núi thuộc tỉnh Lào Cai nằm cách Hà Nội khoảng 350km về phía Tây Bắc, sát biên giới với Trung Quốc. Đây là nơi bạn sẽ tìm thấy dãy núi Hoàng Liên Sơn và cả đỉnh Fansipan cao nhất của đất nước.

Thị trấn yên tĩnh nằm lọt thỏm giữa các dãy núi là nơi sinh sống của nhiều nhóm dân tộc khác nhau. Có năm dân tộc chính ở Sa Pa: người H’Mông, Dao, Tày, Giáy và Xã Phó. Người ta nói rằng, những người dân đầu tiên sinh sống tại Sa Pa chính là bà con dân tộc thiểu số, sau đấy người Kinh mới từ các vùng thấp hơn di chuyển lên thị trấn này. Ngày nay, nhờ vào vẻ đẹp mượt mà của thiên nhiên và văn hóa dân tộc thiểu số nên Sa Pa thu hút đông du khách ghé thăm.


Dấu tích sinh sống của những người đầu tiên tại Sa Pa được lưu giữ trên bãi đá cổ từ thế kỉ XV. Hàng trăm bức tranh khắc họa trên đá được các chuyên gia cho rằng, người xưa đã vẽ chúng và miêu tả về các sinh hoạt văn hóa dân gian.

Trong các dân tộc thiểu số thì người H’mong và người Dao sinh sống đầu tiên ở Sa Pa. Các thung lũng ở Sa Pa rất hẻo lánh, hoang vu nên thị trấn này đã chẳng hề xuất hiện trên bất kì bản đồ địa lý nào cho tới khi người Pháp đến đây vào cuối những năm 1880. Khi đó, thị trấn này được người Pháp gọi là “Chapa”, rồi chẳng mấy chốc lực lượng quân đội và các nhà truyền giáo người Pháp cũng kéo đến nơi đây. Từ năm 1891 trở đi, toàn bộ khu vực thị trấn Sa Pa được cai trị bởi thực dân Pháp. Trong những thập kỷ sau đó, thường dân Pháp đã tới Sa Pa để sinh sống và làm việc, từ đây đã làm thay đổi diện mạo của mảnh đất này. Trong những cuộc chiến xảy ra tại Sa Pa, đa phần các tòa nhà lớn và công trình người Pháp xây dựng đều đã bị phá hủy. Mãi đến 1960, khi người Kinh được nhà nước khuyến khích di chuyển lên Sa Pa sinh sống và dần dần, từ năm 1993, cảnh đẹp và bầu không khí trong lành của thị trấn được đông đảo du khách đến thưởng ngoạn.


Sa Pa không lộng lẫy phồn thịnh, Sa Pa níu chân tôi bằng những con đường dài uốn lượn trên triền dốc. Những mái nhà tranh, cảnh ngôi làng nhỏ thấp thoáng trong thung lũng mờ sương làm lòng tôi chao đảo. Tôi yêu một Sa Pa bình dị của núi rừng, yêu văn hóa thiểu số làm cho dân tộc mình thêm phần rực rỡ. Đến với Sa Pa là trải nghiệm khác lạ với ngay chính khách du lịch Việt Nam vậy. Người dân tộc thiểu số đã hình thành nên bản sắc độc đáo trong di sản và văn hóa nơi đây. Chính vì vậy, Sa Pa không giống bất kỳ nơi du lịch nào trong cả nước, nó mang riêng mình một nét đẹp để hấp dẫn người ghé qua.

Chẳng hạn tại chợ Sa Pa, mọi người sẽ gặp những người dân địa phương từ các bộ tộc khác nhau. Họ mặc quần áo truyền thống và bán đồ thủ công do chính tay mình sản xuất. Thỉnh thoảng, bạn còn có thể chứng kiến một đám cưới hay lễ kỷ niệm mang đậm dấu ấn văn hóa địa phương nữa. Bình thường, nếu như nghe nói về dân tộc Dao Trắng, bạn có thoáng nghĩ về những người dân có làn da trắng không? Ban đầu tôi đã nghĩ như vậy, nhưng sự thật vì văn hóa yêu thích màu trắng và quần áo truyền thống của họ cũng là màu trắng thôi. Tên gọi Dao Trắng được đặt ra để phân biệt với nhánh dân dộc Dao khác.

Tới Sa Pa, chắc hẳn ai cũng sẽ đi qua cung đường chính của thị trấn để đến với thung lũng Mường Hoa. Nhìn từ trên cao, tôi thấy suối Hoa chẻ ngang qua thung lũng, chạy dài tạo điểm nhấn khiến Mường Hoa nhìn từ xa như một bức tranh vẽ. Khung cảnh đồng lúa mênh mông, ngôi nhà gỗ màu nâu đen chấm phá trên nền lúa xanh vừa thơ mộng vừa xen lẫn một chút đơn côi. Cung đường đi qua những ngôi làng nhỏ nằm giữa thung lũng ấy, đồng lúa yếu ớt nhưng dìu nhau cắt vào sườn núi hiểm trở. Trời trở lạnh, dù đã quá trưa sương mỏng vẫn lãng đãng khắp triền đồi, tôi chìm trong cảm giác thơ mộng và đắm say. Nếu bạn yêu thích treckking thì đây quả là một nơi hoàn hảo để khám phá.

(Nguồn: https://wanderlusttips.com/sa-pa-ban-phoi-tuyet-voi-mien-son-cuoc/)

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Delicious Food Must Try In Sapa https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/mon-ngon-phai-thu-o-sapa/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/mon-ngon-phai-thu-o-sapa/#respond Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:41:46 +0000 https://lady.seven.sv/?p=1036 Sapa is not only a place with beautiful scenery, where there are majestic Hoang Lien Son mountains, majestic Fansipan peaks, the cuisine here is also very rich, diverse, imbued with cultural identity of the region. Northwest, making visitors will have to remember and be impressed forever. BARBECUE Coming to Sa Pa, you will certainly not […]

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Sapa is not only a place with beautiful scenery, where there are majestic Hoang Lien Son mountains, majestic Fansipan peaks, the cuisine here is also very rich, diverse, imbued with cultural identity of the region. Northwest, making visitors will have to remember and be impressed forever.


Coming to Sa Pa, you will certainly not be able to forget each stall of smokey grilled food in the cold weather, right? Barbecue in Sa Pa is pork skewers, grilled pork belly, quail, beef rolls with cat cabbage, beef rolls with mushrooms, grilled eggs … are seasoned with flavors of the Northwest mountains. Going down the street on a winter night, with relatives and friends gathering around the barbecue with dim lights, sitting with arms around the pink kitchen, enjoying delicious grilled dishes is truly an experience that everyone must try when coming to Sa Pa.


Thang co is a traditional dish of the H’Mong people, originating from Yunnan China, then introduced to Vietnamese ethnic groups such as Kinh, Dao, and Tay. The raw material to cook traditional Thang Co is horse meat. Later, people have processed more types such as beef, buffalo, and pork. The people of Sapa say that Thang Co horse was born nearly 200 years ago when the H’Mong, Tay and Nung people came to Bac Ha to reside.


The type of fish raised in Sa Pa is mainly rainbow trout, also known as trout. Fish with firm meat, firm texture, no fat, bright pink, soft and sweet, is suitable for processing into many different dishes such as sasimi, deep-fried, steamed, curry… but the most prominent are the dishes. Salmon hot pot, salmon salad, grilled salmon…


Lợn cắp nách known as Muong Sa Pa pig is a breed of pig found only in the highlands. They belong to a small breed of pig, only about 10-20 kg, raised by mountainous people in a free-range style. Coming to Sa Pa, it is very easy to come across a very lovely image that is small beautiful pigs that are carried under the armpits by the highlanders and sold in highland markets. The name pig with armpit was also born from there. The pig’s armpit is processed quite wild, can be steamed, grilled, cooked in imitation of civet… The sour, acrid taste and aroma of doi seeds, lemon leaves combined with three dishes of pig’s armpits are unmatched..


Initially, the buffalo meat was created by the Black Thai people. They believe that dried buffalo meat can be kept for a long time. The dish is used by ethnic people as a reserve food in the days of going to the forest or in the long rainy season. The pieces of buffalo meat are brought to the kitchen by the people here. The smoke of the wood stove as well as the heat will preserve the meat from spoiling, each piece of meat is sucked and absorbed into the kitchen smoke when eaten, bringing a special delicious taste.


Black chicken, also known as evil chicken, has a very small body, each one is only about 1.2kg and as the name suggests, it has a dark skin color. Black chicken in Sa Pa, Lao Cai is not only known as a favorite dish but also known for its many uses in the field of medicine. The most famous dish made from Sa Pa’s black chicken is grilled honey chicken. The delicious grilled chicken dish served with mint leaves dipped in salt, pepper and lemon will surely satisfy even the most fastidious diners.


Colorful sticky rice is a traditional cultural dish of the Nung ethnic group in Muong Khuong, Lao Cai. The seven colors of sticky rice including pink, magenta, crimson, cuu long green, yellow green, banana green and yellow are all made from a variety of natural forest leaves such as carnations, yellow flowers, turmeric, etc. With the typical flavor of the mountains and forests here, people choose the type of sticky rice with large and long grains to cook sticky rice. People here believe that eating sticky rice on Tet holidays will bring good luck. That is why the seven-color sticky rice always plays an important role in the tray as well as the daily life of the ethnic people here.

There are many other unique and interesting dishes that you can enjoy and discover during your trip to Sapa. Each dish has its own character, but all of them are imbued with the national cultural identity of this Northwest mountainous region.

(Credit: https://wanderlusttips.com/phong-phu-am-thuc-sa-pa/)

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5 Must-Go Places in Sapa https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/5-dia-diem-phai-den-o-sapa/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/5-dia-diem-phai-den-o-sapa/#respond Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:35:09 +0000 https://lady.seven.sv/?p=1034 Sapa is not only a place with beautiful scenery, where there are majestic Hoang Lien Son mountains, majestic Fansipan peaks, the cuisine here is also very rich, diverse, imbued with cultural identity of the region. Northwest, making visitors will have to remember and be impressed forever. FANSIPAN Fansipan of Hoang Lien Son range is the […]

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Sapa is not only a place with beautiful scenery, where there are majestic Hoang Lien Son mountains, majestic Fansipan peaks, the cuisine here is also very rich, diverse, imbued with cultural identity of the region. Northwest, making visitors will have to remember and be impressed forever.


Fansipan of Hoang Lien Son range is the highest mountain in Vietnam. Conquering the top of the mountain by road is now only for people with experience and good health. To be safer and lighter for sightseeing, I recommend you to take the cable car, enjoy the majestic scenery through the cabin and visit after reaching the top. Standing at a place up to 3,143m high to see the whole view of the country to the horizon will be an unforgettable experience. Especially in winter, in a tropical country like Vietnam, Sapa will give you the opportunity to “enjoy” a little fresh ice and snow. Lady Hill Sapa Resort directly overlooks the top of Fansipan, right at the foot of the cable car, which is ideal for you to make this plan to enjoy the roof of Indochina.


The charming and fanciful scenery along with the soft white waterfall pouring down makes all fatigue disappear. In the fresh, fresh air of the mountains, I began to reminisce about the story of the fairies bathing in the forest.


Cat Cat village is a charming place that few tourists can ignore. This is the earliest small village established in Sa Pa of the H’Mong ethnic group. Visiting Cat Cat, in addition to seeing simple wooden houses, passing through a cool murmuring stream, you can also learn about the traditional weaving techniques of the people here.


In addition to the Rosary church in the town center, I also went deeper to come to the stone monastery with a history of more than hundred years located in a peach garden in Ta Phin village. On spring days, the nostalgic beauty of the monastery will make us fall in love as each petal falls on the old mossy ground. Now, most of the monastery’s basement has completely collapsed, leaving only a few old walls, a glimpse of a forgotten church.


O Quy Ho is the way to heaven’s gate to see Sapa from above. Stopping at the gate of heaven, I saw the green valley falling before my eyes and the mountains stretching into the distance. To go to O Quy Ho pass, you can choose to ride a motorbike or hire a taxi, but in the beautiful sunny season, riding a motorbike to stop and admire the scenery will be much more interesting.

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Sapa Town Hidden in the Clouds https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/sapa-thi-tran-lan-trong-may/ https://ladyhillsaparesort.com/en/sapa-thi-tran-lan-trong-may/#respond Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:28:08 +0000 https://lady.seven.sv/?p=1032 Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, Sapa Town is 38km from Lao Cai city. Immersed in the floating clouds, Sa Pa town is like a city in the mist, painting a charming painting. Here, there is an invaluable resource that is a cool, fresh climate with diverse nuances. Located at an […]

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Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, Sapa Town is 38km from Lao Cai city. Immersed in the floating clouds, Sa Pa town is like a city in the mist, painting a charming painting. Here, there is an invaluable resource that is a cool, fresh climate with diverse nuances. Located at an average altitude of 1,500m – 1,800m, Sapa’s climate is more or less temperate, with an average temperature of 15-18°C. It is such an ideal climate that Sa Pa becomes a great resort destination for tourists from all over the world.

Sapa town is fanciful and poetic at dawn but also extremely colorful when the rays of the sun shine. Many kinds of flowers bloom in harmony with the brilliant colors in the costumes of the Dzao people, the H’mong people, etc. Every season, Sa Pa wears its own color. Spring is full of life with the green color of rice spreading on the hillside like a giant carpet, soft winding. Flowers bloom all over the road, the fragrance spreads into the vast space, making people’s hearts fall into a paradise. In the summer and early autumn, Sapa is filled with a golden color of ripe rice. Right from the car, the scent of upland rice has been woven into the wind, bringing the fragrance, as if urging tourists to quickly come to Sapa.

Talking about the fair in Sapa, visitors will surely be very interested. You can choose for yourself a desired item made from the skillful hands of the craftsmen here. Especially popular are the delicate brocade products that bring the colors of daily life through the embroidered motifs on the fabric. It is the crystallization of talent, hard work and hard work of many generations passed down from generation to generation.

Have you ever wished to go in the middle of a forest of banyan flowers, white plum blossoms, to pick your own plums, peaches… still covered with morning dew, and enjoy its crisp, sweet taste. Traveling to Sapa, you will fulfill that wish. The drunken yeast of apple cider, corn wine makes people ecstatic, pig armpits are processed with many different dishes and the characteristic flavor through the processing of local people makes it extremely attractive. There are also crispy fried spring fish, corn cakes, banh dao, banh day… which will be great experiences for visitors when coming to Sa Pa.

(Credit: https://vntravellive.com/sapa-thang-11–thi-tran-lan-trong-may-d32055.html)

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