Privacy Policy

Lady Hill Sapa Resort respects the privacy of all our guests, and we are committed to protecting it. This policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose information of our guests.


We collect information that can identify you personally, such as your name, mailing address, telephone number, email address, credit card information, etc. (“Personal Data”) only when it is voluntarily provided to us by you or by a third party (such as a travel agency) on your behalf. We collect personal data when it is provided through forms on our websites, mobile applications, over the phone, through physical mail or e-mail, or in-person.

This website does not collect, save or store any Personal Data from you while you simply browse this website, unless you voluntarily and intentionally provide it to us (for example, by making an online booking or requesting further information).

Our servers automatically collect certain technical, non-personal information when you use our websites or mobile applications (“Usage Data”). Technical data may include your browser type, operating system, page views and clicks, location data, IP address, unique device ID, and referral URLs.


We use your personal data to fulfill the purpose for which it was provided, or as otherwise outlined in this policy. For example, we may use your personal data as necessary to:

  • Process your reservation request and payment;
  • Enroll you in Lady Hill Sapa Resort guest loyalty program
  • Contact you about your reservation;
  • Make requested changes to your reservation or user account;
  • Provide you with a personalized experience on our websites;
  • Respond to your inquiries and other communications;
  • Register you to receive marketing/promotional e-mails or other information for which you’ve expressed an interest;
  • And to comply with legal requirements.

You may opt-out of receiving any promotional or marketing emails at any time by contacting us directly or by following the “opt-out” or “unsubscribe” links in such emails. We may, however, continue to contact you with relevant information about your past or upcoming reservations with us and the status of the loyalty account.

We may use the usage data we collect for any reason we deem appropriate, including to improve, maintain, and operate our websites and services.


We will not sell any of your personal data to any outside organization. We only disclose your personal data to third parties as reasonably necessary to carry out the permitted uses described in the “USE OF INFORMATION” section of this policy. For example, we may share personal data with:

  • Our payment processors, technical and customer support contractors, and other service providers who are required to keep the personal data confidential and are prohibited from using it other than to carry out their services on our behalf;
  • Our successors in the event of a sale, merger, acquisition, or similar transaction affecting the relevant portion of our business;
  • And legal and governmental authorities or other third parties, to the extent required to comply with a legal order or applicable law.



Lady Hill Sapa Resort is committed to the security of your personal data. We use commercially reasonable technical measures to protect personal data in our possession, and our website uses secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to help protect the privacy of credit card information, name, address, email and other sensitive information you provide to us.


Lady Hill Sapa Resort and our marketing department may use cookies, invisible pixels, local shared objects (i.e., persistent cookies), and web beacons to obtain information about visitors of our websites and mobile applications. Cookies are small text files that are placed on a computer or mobile device when you visit a website or use an App. We use cookies on our websites and apps to personalize content presented to you, retain information such as dates and room selection as you proceed through the reservation process, allow you to sign in more easily, and track responses to our ads.

You can set your computer to warn you each time a cookie is sent or turn off all cookies through your browser. Check your browser’s Help menu or your built-in mobile device settings to find out how. Some mobile devices store cookies not only in areas connected to the browser, but also in areas that are app-specific, which cannot be controlled by the browser settings. Check your app settings options on your mobile device to find out how to manage or delete cookies that may be stored in these other areas. If you do not accept cookies, some features, services, or activities that are available on our websites or mobile apps may be adversely affected and you may be unable to perform certain transactions, use certain functionality, and access certain content. The choice to accept or deny a cookie is different from your choice to accept/deny email messages.

We also serve ads through third-party advertising technology. In the course of serving our advertisements to you, unique third-party persistent cookies, clear gifs or beacon gifs may be placed on your computer or device to help manage our online advertising, recognize when a device visits our websites, learn which ads bring users to our websites, and track whether a reservation is made. The information our ad-serving providers and we collect through this technology is not personally identifiable but is used to create an anonymous profile that allows the ad-serving provider to serve ads targeted towards you and your interests across the ad-serving network.


Please be aware that third-party websites available through links on our websites each have separate privacy and data collection practices. We have no control, responsibility or liability for these third-party websites or their applicable policies or content. Lady Hill Sapa Resort Resort cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you disclose on third-party sites.


Our websites and services are not intended for children and we do not knowingly solicit or collect Personal Data from children. If we are notified or discover that a child under the age of 15 has submitted Personal Data to us, we will take reasonable steps to delete the information.


We may update this policy from time to time. We will always post the then-current version of this policy on our websites and will indicate at the top of the policy the date on which the latest version took effect. Please review this policy from time to time to stay updated on our privacy practices.


If you have any questions about this policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at:

  • Address: Nguyen Chi Thanh St., Fansipan ward, Sapa town, Lao Cai province, Vietnam
  • Email:
  • Tel: (+84) (214) 366 33 66